There will be a meeting of the St. Paul's Society at their rooms this evening at 7 o'clock.
H. U. B. B. A. Candidates for the University Nine will meet Thursday, Jan. 7, at 7.30 p.m. in 11 Weld. It is especially desired that new players should present themselves at this meeting.
W. B. PHILLIPS, Capt.CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. - Books ordered for the French courses are now ready for delivery; a limited number of extra copies of the following are for sale: Sainte Beuve's "Portraits Literaires," Sand's "Marianne," Moliere's "L'avare," Cornielle's "Le Cid," Moliere's "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme," Marivaux' "Theatre," Racine's "Andromaque," Racine's "Berenice," Piron's "La Metromanie," Beaumarchais' "Le Mariage de Figaro" Beaumarchais' "Le Barbier de Seville," Sedaine's "Le Philosophie," Gressets' "Vee-Vert," Le Sage's "Turcaret," Diderot's "Paradoxe sur le Comedien," Pizard's La France Stahl's "Marroussia" and "Le Capitaine Pamphile;" also Readings from Dickens.
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