
John Langdon Sibley.

The Trustees of Phillips Exeter Academy, meeting at Exeter for the stated examination, on the day appointed for the funeral of the late John Langdon Sibley, desire to enter upon their records an expression of their deep sorrow at the close of this long and honored life.

They recall with gratitude the great and repeated benefactions by which he marked his life-long affection for the institution which once took him under its fostering care, and his resolution to secure the same blessing for his successors among the students of the academy in the generations to come.

They also recognize the priceless legacy to the youth under their charge and to themselves, of his example of a faithful, laborious, and self-denying life, steadfastly devoted to high ends, and accomplishing its great results with little aid, except from his own courage, patience and filial piety,

Exeter, December 18, 1885.
