
Fact and Rumor.

The Advocate comes out Friday.

Theme 6 in English 5 is due on Friday.

Philosophy 11 will take up the Indian question next week.

Senior Forensics returned to-day in Sever 1 from 1 to 2 p.m.

Examination books in Philosophy 1 and 2 have been returned.


There will be no more special reports in History 13 until after the mid-years.

Mathematical Seminar to-morrow. Mr. Underhill will lecture on Symbolical Notation.

There has been a great improvement in the arrangement of the shower bath in the gymnasium.

The annual dinner of the Harvard Club of Minnesota took place in the Hotel Ryan, St. Paul, last Monday evening.

All of those who were absent from Memorial during the recess, should apply for temporary absence before the end of this month. No allowance unless claimed before February 1st, will be granted.

Candidates for the 'varsity nine and the freshman nine will probably begin regular practice in the gymnasium within a week.

Those men who intend to take Math. 3 as a half course, are requested to communicate with Mr. Sawin at once, unless they have already done so.

In the Youth's Companion for 1886 there are to be four papers on advice to a boy entering college, by President Porter, President Eliot, President Barnard and Professor Tyler.

It is reported that the Chess Club intends to try its skill with Yale and Princeton very soon. Yale, Princeton, and Columbia have played several very close and interesting games.

A college graduate thus describes his course: "I took my first on a clear hit with a crib; reached second on the influence of my father; stole third on a lucky bunching of my electives; and came home because the faculty got rattled at my fine playing." - University Herald.
