

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - While so much has been done to help poor young men to get an education at Harvard, it is singular that some provision has not been made to provide them with text books. The money spent for books is quite a large item in the college expenses of a poor young man, but there are rich students, on the other hand, who throw away many of their old books, or have them in their rooms when they graduate. If an appeal were made, and a person appointed to take charge of the matter, hundreds of discarded books would gladly be given to the cause. The books thus obtained, together with others purchased with money given by benevolent persons, could be given or lent to any needy student who applied for them. Undergraduates who find it hard to make both ends meet would thus, at small expense, be given much valuable aid in their struggle for an education. Cannot something be done about it?

C. G.
