EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - I suppose that it is allowable for freshmen to write to the CRIMSON to express their views in regard to college matters. To be sure, we may not know fully the ways that things should be done, but still we can have our ideas. Yesterday we had our first regular examination, the one in German. It seems too bad that our first experience in examinations should be so unpleasant. It is likely to prejudice us against the present system. If they had only begun with something easy, so that we could gradually become hardened to the work, it would have been better for us. As the matter is, the paper set for us was so hard that many of us are totally discouraged, and hardly dare to continue our grinding. It really seems as if the instructors had no consideration for the feelings of the newer members of our university. Let us hope that the other examinations will be easier.
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