
Fact and Rumor.

This is the day of Prayer for schools and colleges.

The top flight of stairs in the north entry of Thayer is unsafe.

The Yale News of yesterday contains an article on the present status of the Annex.

Barbara Allen, daughter of Prof. F. D. Allen, died at Athens, Greece, Jan. 3.

The Hartford Courant of last Saturday prints a half-page editorial on the class of 1830, Yale.


A member of Yale '87 has been requested to write a poem for an Easter service in New York.

All past members of the CRIMSON board are requested to call at the office at their earliest opportunity.

Professor Seymour of Yale has just published an "Introduction to the language and verse of Homer." The work comes out in the college series of Greek authors, edited by Prof. J. W. White.

The defeat of the Salisbury's ministry has caused much uneasiness among the "Anglomaniacs" in college.

The last number of the Post. contains an article on "Americomania in England." Now for communications.

Daily themes in English 5 and 12 will be due during the mid-years. There will be no examinations in these courses.

The New York World of Sunday sold immensely on account of the article on Yale college; the last copies sold at 25 cents.

It is vouched for by a prominent professor here, that not many years ago a student graduated from this college, whose expenses for the four years averaged only fifty dollars ($50). - Yale News.

Nellie Chamberlain, of - what year was it? - reports herself as very busy over not-much-of anything at her home in Utica. Says Mollie Starks is in motherly raptures over "Edith Starks Brownell" which infant is "too sweet for anything." - Lasell Leaves.

A new scoring scheme will probably be introduced into the Inter-collegiate Association this season. In making up the summary of ball games a separate column will be added, in which a man's sacrifice hits will be credited to him.

The following verses were found written on one of the desks in Massachusetts:

Semi-annuals approaching

On our leisure are encroaching,

And our consciences reproaching

Drive us frantic with remorse.

Now we find no consolation,

When we cut a recitation,

And though murmuring damnation

Yet we go to every course.

The Columbia crew has challenged the New York Athletic club to a series of three races on the Harlem. The races will be rowed in light oared shells. The races are to be two three and four miles in length respectively the winner of the odd race to receive a silver cup valued at $100. It is thought, if this challenge is accepted, that the practice thus obtained will benefit the crew for its race with Harvard more than the accustomed race with the class crews.
