The President's annual report of Johns Hopkins University has appeared, and is devoted to a short summary of the year's progress. The University is beginning to get settled in its present courses and methods, so that less and less change from year to year will be necessary. It has ended the conflict between prescribed and elective courses in the collegiate department by the substitution of the "group system," which has been adopted at Bryn Mawr College. Almost every young man will find that one of these seven avenues to a Bachelor's degree will prevent him from wasting time, and he has more than sufficient choice of studies to make it certain that he is not asked to devote himself to an uncongenial task to a greater extent than is good for him. These seven courses go under the following names : classical, mathematical-physical, chemical-biological, physical-chemical. Latin-mathematical, historical-political, and modern language. - Johns Hopkins letter in Evening Post.
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