
No Headline

Found. - In the rooms of the Hasty Pudding Club, a pair of fur gloves. Apply at Manter Hall, 2.

Wanted, a tutor in Italian I. Address G. N. P., 24 Hilton Block.

Tutoring in N. H. 3, History 2, and Freshman Chemistry. C. A. Brodeur, '87, 14 Hollis.

A club table can be accommodated at Mrs. Harriette Morgan, 99 Mount Auburn Street.

Tutor in English 2. Address W. C. Smith, 25 Bowdoin St., Boston.


Thorough tutoring in any of the German courses by a native German. Terms moderate. L. Wruck. Please leave name at Co-operative Society.

Freshman German. I shall translate slowly and carefully "La Rabbiata," and give general advice on the 25th, and also on the 26th of January, at the Upper lecture Room, in Divinity Hall. Reading begins at 7 p. m., sharp. Admission each evening, $2.00. Rudolf Weyler, 6 Wallace St., or Table 31, Memorial Hall.

I beg leave to inform the students of Harvard College that I have recently bought the picture framing establishment No. 363 Washington street, Boston, and respectfully solicit their patronage. X. Teillard.

Lost. - Tuesday, Jan. 19, '86, a ten dollar bill. Finder rewarded by returning same to 896 Main St.

Tutoring in H. 1. W. J. Bowen, 32 Hollis.

Canadian Toboggans and Moccasins, all prices. Snow Shoes, all sizes. Toboggan Suits to order. Canadian Lacrosse Sticks. Importer of White Sweaters and Gymnasium Suits. J. W. Brine. 10 and 11 Harvard Row.

At the suggestion of my many patrons I have engaged the well known and able cutter, George St. Clair. His abilities as a cutter need no comments, as he is so well known to the public. I have given him charge of my custom department. Mr. J. Foly has charge of the steam naptha, cleansing, pressing and repairing, for which purpose I have engaged three rooms attached to my store in order to give more speed to my work. In my new quarters I have the largest and best facility for cleansing, pressing and repairing, than any other tailor establishment in New England, Sole agent for Ollendoff's pants stretcher. Orders by mail promptly attended to. J. F. Noera, 364 Harvard St.
