It is probably known to most of our readers that Yale athletics suffer greatly from the want of a gymnasium adequate to the needs of the large number of athletic organizations which Yale possesses. A few evenings ago a large mass meeting of the Yale students, under the presidency of Prof. Richards, met to discuss the project of a new gymnasium. According to reports five or six hundred members of the college attended the meeting, and great interest was taken. The opinion of Prof. Richards - and his opinion seems to have been shared by the students - was that it was too great a burden upon the students and unjust to parents and guardians that so large an expense should be borne by the students. It was resolved that this canvass should be made of the alumni of the college to see if they would be able to respond liberally in subscriptions for a new gymnasium. It is desired that a gymnasium costing about $100,000 should be built, and if a good proportion of that sum is subscribed, as is believed it will be, Yale will possess the much needed gymnasium. When we remember the large number of candidates for the foot-ball team, the nine and the crew, the great "boom" which a suitable gymnasium would give to Yale athletics can be readily imagined.
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