Theodore Roosevelt will lecture at Princeton next week.
The singing in chapel yesterday was much better than usual.
A new plan will be put in operation in English 5 during the next half year. It will be announced on Friday.
Matthew Arnold will accept the nomination for the vacant professorship of poetry at Oxford.
The last number of Life contains a drawing from the last Lampoon "with compliments and apologies."
The Yale A. A. has provided a boxing master who gives free lessons to all who wish to take them.
There will be no lecture in Fine Arts 4 on Thursday, Jan. 21. Lecture on Saturday, Jan. 23.
Resolutions in favor of changing the hour of chapel to twenty minutes of eight have been passed by the Yale students. A committee to receive subscriptions for the new gymnasium was also carried.
There are no electives in Hebrew at Princeton. A movement is on foot for a course in that study.
General Butler has intimated that he will bequeath his fine library to Colby University, his Alma Mater.
Messrs. W. A. Leaby, '88, and H. S. Sanford, '88, have been elected editors of the Harvard Monthly.
The success of the Pudding theatricals here has induced Princeton to form a "Dramatic Association" to which a number of professors belong.
The Dalhousie Gazette congratulates one of the members of that college who has entered here on the same footing as he was at Dalhousie.
Capt. Hood has offered a cup to the best shot on the lacrosse team this year. The men are daily throwing at a mark in the cage.
The New Haven Union publishes a complaint that seems to have some foundation, that the Yale senior societies control too much the actions of the college.
The annual conference of the College Young Men's Christian Association will be held this year at Brown. The public exercises will probably be held in the chapel.
The man with a crutch, and the name "Alexander Alger," who has been in the dormitories soliciting alms, is an imposter. He is anxious to take in all the men and money that he can. A note from the general agent of the Boston Provident Association says that "he has been known for years to the relief-giving societies as an imposter."
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Amherst-Williams vs. Dartmouth.