
Fact and Rumor.

It is said that measles is prevalent among the members of '89.

Yale, '89, has formed a debating club of a dozen men.

Roast beef was served at Memorial yesterday for lunch.

Prof. Dwight is talked of for the Presidency of Yale.

The theses in Philosophy 11 on Labor will be due not later than March 1.


O'Rourke, the celebrated base-ball player, is a student at the Yale Law School.

The Yale Athletic Association has hired a special trainer for the tug-of-war.

Secretary Bayard will deliver the Commencement address at the University of Kansas.

The L. S. S. students in regular standing in course I have formed a club table at Memorial.

The discussion of the "Movability of Students" is now raging throughout the whole college press.

The number of contributions to the Advocate competition was thirty-one. The result will be announced on Friday.

The management of the Yale University nine have arranged games with the New York League nine on April 21 and 22 next.

Amherst has established a "House of Commons." The Amherst Student declares that only the most superficial observer will cry out "Anglomania."

Bekker's or the Teubner edition of Aristotle's Ethics will be used in Greek 8. The students are advised to order their books as soon as possible.

An obscure member of the senior class has received the following despatch from his father in California: "Heard of the small-pox to-day. Come home at once."

The next lecture of Dr. Farnham will be delivered this evening in Sever 11. A synopsis of the lectures obtained from Dr. Farnham is as follows: Indigestion, Constipation, Effects of Smoking on Digestive System, Effects of Alcohol on Digestive System.

The Amherst Student thus speaks of the advantage to foot-ball occasioned by the action of the Harvard faculty: "This interesting test case reinstates the game upon an equal footing with other inter-collegiate sports, while at the same time exerting a strong influence toward preventing its degradation from that honorable position."
