Mr. J. S. Russell is said to be improving.
There are eighteen men now trying for positions on the sophomore crew.
There are 760 men in the Institute of Technology this year.
Mr. Wendell gave cuts in his courses yesterday.
About thirty men are trying for the Yale Mott Haven team.
There was a cut in Political Economy 4 yesterday.
There will be a recitation in N. H. 4 on Monday.
The university crew at Yale has just begun work in the gymnasium.
English 8 will finish Byron next week.
The text-books in Philosophy 2 have not yet arrived.
Aristotle's Ethics will be taken up after the mid-years by Greek 8.
Examinations will begin at Lasell next week.
Freshman recitations will stop for the mid-year examinations next week Saturday.
The freshmen in the Sheffield Scientific School are obliged to attend club-swinging twice a week.
There will be no mid-year examination in Philosophy I, but an hour examination will be held sometime in March.
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