
Special Notices.

A few more gentlemen can be accommodated with seats at the General Table of Miss Cotter's, 10 Oxford St.

Lost. - On Tuesday afternoon, a bunch of keys. The finder will please eave with auditor at Memorial.

Tutoring in Pol. Econ. I and IV. R. E. O'Callaghan '83, C. H. 44.

For a competent tutor in German A, apply to R. T. Osgood, 41 Grays. Can give good references.

Lost. - A stylographic pen. The finder will confer a favor by leaving with Leavitt & Peirce, or with the auditor at Memorial.


Tutor in English 2. Address W. C. Smith, 25 Bowdoin St., Boston.

To be let. - A double, corner room in Weld, one flight up, to be let furnished, piano included. Apply to the janitor.

Found. - Waterman Ideal Pin in Mass. Apply to Mr. Jones.

Careful tutoring in Freshman German and French, French 2, Hist. 1, English 8 and Latin 1. Address, TUTOR, Co-operative Society.

Tutoring in Pol. Econ. I and IV and History XII. John H. Gray, 17 Thayer.

Tutoring (especially in Mathematics and Chemistry) by a graduate of much experience. Call or address 4 Grays.

Tutoring in History 12 and Natural History 2. Wm. W. Nolen, '84, 6 Little's.

To Harvard students. Visit the old established house of J. W. Brine. Clothing cleaned, pressed and repaired. Mr. Harry Haugh, the great London cutter, has charge of our custom department. His large experience at Cambridge and Oxford, England, enable him to do nothing but first class work. We are the regular co-operative store. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.

At the suggestion of my many patrons I have engaged the well known and able cutter, George St. Clair. His abilities as a cutter need no comments, as he is so well known to the public. I have given him charge of my custom department. Mr. J. Foly has charge of the steam naptha, cleansing, pressing and repairing, for which purpose I have engaged three rooms attached to my store in order to give more speed to my work. In my new quarters I have the largest and best facility for cleansing, pressing and repairing, than any other tailor establishment in New England. Sole agent for Ollendoff's pants stretcher. Orders by mail promptly attended to. J. F. Noera, 364 Harvard St.
