

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - I want to give expression to a feeling which prevails among many students at least, in regard to the use of the gymnasium for the Cambridge Assemblies. If the closing of the gymnasium for half a day last Saturday, or the inconvenience of having apparatus misplaced for a day or two this week, were the only objection, I suppose little fault would be found; but when, for the benefit of Cambridge people, or of a part of the faculty, the gymnasium is, to a certain extent, rendered unfit for exercise and even dangerous to those who practice there, I think we may fairly complain. Last Saturday the floor of the main hall was thoroughly waxed; it is now so slippery that for many purposes it cannot be used. The mattresses and movable appliances slip about, no foothold can be got for jumping or running, and any one, unless he walks carefully, is liable to get a severe fall. There is actually, serious danger of injury; a little slip in leaping, or a failure to alight squarely on the feet from the rings or some appliance, may cause broken bones or a dislocated shoulder.

This condition of the floor, I understand, is to remain until the next Assembly, February S, - nearly a month. Whether it is right that the use of a college building for private purposes should be granted to a number of outsiders, or to a portion of the faculty, when the students are not inconvenienced, may be an open question. But, if the gymnasium was built for the use of the students, it surely is not right or just that, for the benefit of outsiders, they should be deprived of a portion of the advantages of the gymnasium, or be made to run the risk of serious injury in using it.

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