
Overseers' Meeting.

A stated meeting of the Board of Overseers of Harvard College was held yesterday at No. 70 Water street, Hon. E. R. Hoar presiding. It was voted to concur with the president and fellows in the appointment of Charles Follen Folsom, M. D., lecturer on mental diseases for 1885-86. The elections by the president and fellows of Edward Lawrens Mark, Ph. D., Hersey professor of Anatomy, and William Lambert Richardson, M. D., professor of Obstetries, were referred to Messrs. Wyman, Green and Hodges. The annual report of President Eliot was received and referred to the committee on reports and resolutions. The report of the committee on the library was also presented and referred to the same committee. The following resolution was presented and laid on the table: That in the judgment of this board it is desirable that a Peabody professorship of American Archaeology and Ethnology be established in the university.
