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The Conference Committee, in spite of fears felt by many students, has demonstrated its right of existence. The improvement in the general character of yesterday's meeting over that of the last, is deserving of attention. The rules proposed by the senior members, can but aid in giving direction to discussion, and in preventing useless meetings. The resolutions adopted also show positive signs of life. These resolutions will go before the faculty, and will serve to bring an evil to their notice, in a manner in which it has never before been presented, from the side of student conviction. The marking system is one that must be remedied by more careful and mature thought, than that of the student members of the conference. Students can not expect to originate a plan for marking that will recommend itself to professors who have lived for years in the atmosphere of marks, and have made special study of methods of teaching and of college discipline. While this side of the question may be true, it is none the less true that students can make themselves familiar with difficult themes of college management, only by attempting to look at such themes with a more critical and discerning eye than that of a grumbling college student, who would tear down, but not build up. The resolutions express the opinion of the students at large. In passing them, the conference has fulfilled one of its elementary functions, to express emphatically representative student thought.
