
Note and Comment.


The Yale Record in the review of its exchanges gives the following complimentary account of Harvard journalism. Speaking of chestnuts it says:

"Right jollily does the editor drag the burrs out of the exchange basket and examine the contents in search of his favorite food, and much does he find. But the poorest picking is, on the whole, in the Harvard papers - the Advocate and the Lampoon. The Crimson hardly comes under the head of a literary production, but as a daily, is one of two, and only two, in the college sense of the word. The Advocate is the truest literary production of college journalism in our exchange basket. A little heavy for a b1-weekly, perhaps, but when it is considered that Harvard is apparently without a literary monthly, this is a fault in the right direction. All departments are good, but the poetical would perhaps be bettee did not F. D. S. make it a waste paper basket for the 'Century.' The Lampoon, the only true illustrated paper in the college world, compares most favorably with professional productions of the same nature. The fact that it has succeeded where so many before and since have failed, speak more for its merit than any number of high encomiums could possibly do."
