A. C. Lux, Yale, '88, has left college and gone into business.
The Tech. Gymnasium, is to be enlarged and elaborated.
The Lacrosse Association will erect a rack for sticks in the cage.
Russell, '87, is confined at home on account of illness.
The mid-year examinations at Wellesley will take place next week.
Since the graduation of '82, Yale, twenty have married and four died.
The Acta Columbiana advocates the establishment of a Columbia Lit.
There has been a general revival of chess playing throughout the college.
The Conference Committee meets tomorrow, in Sever 3, at 4 o'clock.
The $100,000 for Yale's new gymnasium is nearly all subscribed.
Mr. R. C. Cabot replaces Mr. W. G. Rantoul on the prayer petition committee.
It is rumored that the number of candidates for the senior crew has increased materially during the past few days.
Columbia is the next college that has caught the craze for a Literary Monthly.
The class of '81 E. H. S. held their fifth annual reunion on Saturday night at Parker's.
Prof. Wheeler delivered a remarkably interesting lecture on "Emili a Galotti" to German 3 yesterday.
The Yale News rejoices in its editorial columns at the re establishment of foot-ball here.
The silver question will be discussed at the meeting of the Finance Club this evening.
A new stationary bicycle with but one pedal, is the latest innovation in the gymnasium.
Of nearly 1300 persons examined last year by the state civil service commission, only 25 were college graduates.
Pasteur has an excellent article on inoculation against hydrophobia in the Political Science Monthly for January.
A Yale senior has recently invented a new surveying instrument whereby the height of objects or their distance from the observer can be obtained.
It has been rumored that the balls given in the gymnasium were inaugurated, that the Cambridge young ladies might take advantage of the chestweights.
The class races at University of Pennsylvania will be rowed in eights this year. A strong effort is being made to have the Childs cup and intercollegiate races also rowed in eights.
Arrangements have been completed for lighting all the buildings of Notre Dame University, Indiana, with Edison incandescent burners.
Scholarships have been assigned to freshmen as follows: Bright scholarships, Giese, F. Green, Holliday, Hunter, Leavitt; Bigelow scholarships, W. H. Warren, Winkler; Kirkland scholarship, Hooper.
Prof. William C. Dole, instructor of the Cornell gymnasium, on New Year's day broke the world's record for a continuous swinging of Indian clubs. He swung the clubs for four hours and fifty minutes. Each club weighted seven pounds, one ounce.
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