
Fact and Rumor.

The Tuftonian advocates compulsory attendance at the gymnasium.

Tufts will send a few contestants to Mott Haven this year.

The clock on Holyoke House is again out of order.

Competition for the Advocate prizes will be closed on Jan. 15.

There was no service in the Chapel yesterday.


The toboggan slides at Brookline and Dorchester are in full blast.

There will be a lecture in N. H. 14 to-day at the usual hour.

Only one man in Yale's three upper classes was dropped during the last term.

A petition is in circulation and being largely signed, asking to have Mr. Ferris salaried by the college, that more men may be able to take boxing lessons at the reduced rates.

Our falsely reported case of smallpox has got into the college press as we feared. The Princetonian starts the dance, and we shall expect to find it taken up in turn by all of our fifty exchanges.

It is complained that the new apparatus in the shower bath-room is used by the freshmen in wetting each other, much to the discomfort of others in the room.

To-day the election or captain of next year's 'varsity eleven takes place: anyone who played on at least one game in the class series will be entitled to vote. The polling will be held at Capt. Kimball's rooms, between 4 and 5.30.

Hattie Delano is again at her post as Pitti Sing at the Hollis St. Theatre; Miss Louise Montague, Forepaugh's $10.000 beauty, is playing Yum Yum. The Mikado still attracts crowded audiences. Mr. Booth at the Museum will appear as Richelieu on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, and Saturday afternoon, in the "Merchant of Venice" and "Katharine and Petruchio on Thursday, "The Fool's Revenge" on Friday and "A New Way to Pay Old Debts" on Saturday evening.

An unrepealed law of New Jersey passed while the state was a British colony, reads as follows: "That all women of whatever age, rank, profession or degree, whether virgins, maids or widows who shall, after this act, impose upon, seduce and betray into matrimony any of his Majesty's subjects by virtue of scents, cosmetics, washes paints, artificial teeth, false hair or high heeled shoes, shall incur the penalty of the law now in force against witchcraft and like misdemeanors." - Princetonian.

Fire was discovered, Friday night, in the third story of the ladies' hall connected with the college at Oberlin, O. The building is a four-story brick, containing about 150 rooms and 250 girls. A wild panic ensued among the girls. Some rushed from their rooms in their night clothes, others shrieked and fainted, while a few were badly bruised by falling down stairs. Many of the girls were taken safely down the front stairs, but a few were driven back to the upper landings owing to the flames blocking up the passage. Several of the terrified young ladies were badly burned, while a dozen or more were carried down the ladders, unconscious from smoke. All the victims suffered from exposure to the cold, as a driving storm of snow and wind was prevailing at the time. Their clothing, books and jewelry are destroyed. The loss is not less than $40,000; insurance $31,500. - Herald.
