
Co-operative Society.


The Co-operative Society has made arrangements with agents in Paris and Liepsic for the direct importation of French and German books. The intention is to send orders in a lump at stated periods. The packages will arrive three times a year, about Oct. 1, Dec 15, and March 15. In addition, orders will be taken during the academic year, for books to be forwarded immediately by mail, whenever they are wanted in advance of the regular import time. The expense of postage in such cases will be charged to the buyer.

Students who wish to obtain all the French and German books needed in any given course can obtain them through the society by putting in a general order to that effect. The society will learn from the instuctors the books that will be used in the courses, and when they will be needed and will procure them in pursuance of the general orders, in time for use. If students wish to have not only the books required in a course, but also those recommended, they must specially state that they order recommended books. If nothing to the contrary appears, orders will be taken to be only for required books.

Orders for the first importation, for books to arrive by Oct. 1, 1885, must be handed in on or before July 15. No attention can be paid to orders coming in after July 15, for books that are wanted at the beginning of the next academic year.
