
Fact and Rumor.

Winslow will pitch in to-days game.

The race with Yale will occur on the 26th.

The CRIMSON editors will meet to-day at 1.30.

The "Pean" has made its appearance at Exeter.

The Yale crew will leave for New London Thursday morning.


The 'varsity crew left for New London on the 1 P.M. train yesterday.

Harvard plays an exhibition game with Brown at Providence to-day.

Nichols now leads the inter-collegiate batsmen, with Willard a close second.

Marks in N. H. 4, 8 and 14 will be given to-day in room No. 2, Zoological Museum, at 12.30.

The Co-operative Society will close business for the year on Saturday, June 20th, at noon.

The Columbia race will be rowed on Saturday, June 20, the Yale race on Friday, the 26th.

Martin, D. S. and Buckingham, '87 are the winners of the Divinity Hall tennis tournament.

The freshman nine and substitutes will be photographed to-day at Pach's studio at 12 o'clock sharp.

Seniors who were allowed to postpone their Forensic examination, will be examined June 17, in Mass. 3.

There is a split in the senior class at the University of Pennsylvania, and there have been two class days there this year.-Ex.

Club tables at Memorial can be reengaged for the coming year if applications signed by the men are placed in the hands of the auditor to-day.

Prof. D. J. Comstock, who has for many years filled so successfully the Latin chair at Phillips Academy, Andover, has declined the invitation given him to become principal of Williston Seminary.

The officers of the Signet for the ensuing half year are: President, L. L. Hight; secretary, S. D. Richardson; treasurer, J. F. McClure; committee on spreads, H. H. Dwight, J. M. Thompson.

Several Princeton alumni have agreed to raise one half of the amount necessary for a track athletic trainer, provided the undergraduates will raise the other half. The Princetonian urges the appointment of a committee to superintend the canvass.

An oversight in proof-reading made us say in yesterday's crew article that "the Yale crew this year is precisely the same as last year's crew." It should have read that "the Yale crew is practically the same as last year's crew."

The following have been elected officers of the Glee Club for the ensuing year: president, A. G. Mason, '86; vice-president, W. H. Edgerly, '86; secretary, E. R. Shippen, '87; ass't secretary, J. W. Wood, '88; treasurer, B. F. Hurlburt, '87.

The occurrence of the Columbia-Harvard race the day after class day will probably necessitate the absence of the senior members of the crew on that occasion. Storrow, the captain of the crew, will in this case have gone through college without witnessing a class day.

The following members of the class of '86 have received election to the Hasty Pudding Club: C. A. Brown, S. Sinnot, R. K. Snow, S. G. Wells. The following have been elected honorary members of the club: Mr. Wait, ('82) L. S.; Lieut. McCrecken, U. S. N.; W. C. Gordon, '86.
