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If then we should beat, and thus the championship becomes ours, what is the most fitting way in which to celebrate, and to express to the nine the gratification which the college feels towards it for its efforts in bringing to Cambridge the pennant which has so long graced the grounds of our old-time rivals? First of all, let every man attend the game and support the nine in a manner befitting its deserts, and when the game is finished and the victory ours, let there go up from old Holmes a shout which will show that Harvard "spirit" is not yet dead. But one word,- let not a sound escape at an opponent's error, but let there be applause for good plays on either side. This will be done; there is no need of our giving such gratuitious warning, for Harvard is famed for her generous treatment of visiting clubs.

The suggestion of a correspondent this morning, that the band discourse "sweet music" before and after the game is an excellent one, and we hope that it will be carried out. There is, to be sure, little time for preparation, but all the college wants is the good old. tunes which need no rehearsing. "Yale men say" would be more acceptable than any piece of the finest technique. If it is thought best to have any celebrations in the yard, be sure that it is conflned within reasonable limits. Remember that a new scheme of student government is now on trial at Harvard, and if there should be an unwonted disturbance the faculty would be justiin returning to the old system of oligarchical government.
