To-day is Princeton's class day.
The 'varsity crew did not row on Saturday.
Lists giving courses selected for next year are due from all students to-day.
Dr. McKenzie delivered the baccalaureate at Cornell yesterday.
Dr. C. C. Everett, the Dean of the Divinity School, sailed for Europe Saturday morning.
An account and criticism of the university crew will appear in to-morrow's CRIMSON.
The Princeton commencement exercises closed with a concert by the glee and banjo clubs.
The editors of the Lampoon request that all subscriptions be paid as soon as possible at the Co-operative office.
Both the Herald and Globe of yesterday contained long criticisms of the ' varsity crew.
The Signet "strawberry night" spread will be given this evening. An oration by S. D. Richardson, and a poem by L. L. Hight will constitute the literary part of the program.
Dr. A. P. Peabody delivered the Baccalaureate sermon to the senior class yesterday afternoon before an audience which comfortably filled Appleton, and which included it its numbers about a hundred seniors. The text was from Nehemiah, 7. "Then I consulted with myself," and the sermon, as the text would suggest, was upon the importance of self-reliance, especially upon college men just starting in life. The singing consisted of a quartette by Baldwin, O. S. Howard, Carroll, and W. W. Winslow; a duet by Baldwin and Carroll, and the baccalaureate hymn, the words of which were written by W. R. Roundy.
Professor Lane sailed for Europe on Saturday.
L. E. Myers, the American champion runner, won the quarter and half-mile scratch and the half-mile handicap races over competitors from the London Athletic Club and the Mosely Harriers last Saturday at the meeting of the Widnes Athletic Club, near Manchester, England.
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Yale Freshman Crew.