

BICYCLE CLUB.- The photographs of the club are ready at Notman's studio.

E. H. ROGERS, Capt.The Photographic Society meets tonight at 7.30, in 26 Littles Block. Election of officers.

S. STORROW, Sec.GROUPS TO-DAY.- 1.15, Shooting Club, back of Sever. 1.45, Phi Beta Kappa, Studio. 3, H. U. B. B. C., steps of gymnasium.

D. E. WHITE.CRICKET. There will be a game of cricket played today on Jarvis Field at 1.30 P.M. The team is as follows: Chase, Smith, McKean, Gardner, Evans, Parker, Joy, Clyde, Hammond, Clark, Zerega.

TO SENIORS.- There will be a rehearsal of the Class Song Thursday and Friday evenings, in Boylston 5, promptly at 7.15 P.M. Every member of the class, whether a singer or not, is urged to attend both rehearsals. Those who were present at the first rehearsal are requested to bring their copies of the song with them to the next rehearsal, as the supply is limited.


C. W. AYER, Chorister for '65.
