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We hope that our nine will show some improvement in one respect in this game, that is, in base running and coaching. In this respect our nine's play has been wretched in almost every game which it has played this year, and if it had not been for its splendid fielding and heavy batting we should have lost more than one game simply through this fault. There are doubtless, reasons why every man cannot be a good base runner, but there is no excuse for the poor coaching, which has cost us many a run this season. If there is anything which disgusts spectators it is to see a man fail to make a base when opportunity is offered, or try to run more bases than his hit will give him, or, worst of all, caught nap ping at his base. It seems too bad that a nine which does such brilliant work in the field and at the bat should mar its record by a fault which can so easily be corrected.
