

GLEE CLUB.- The Glee Club will sing in the yard to-night at 7.45. This concert is for the Princeton nine, and every member must be present. The clb picture will be taken at 2 o'clock to-day, on the steps of Matthew's.

W. H. BALDWIN. JR.All students who think of electing Physics B, C, 3 or 6. are invited to meet the instructors in the above mentioned electives on Tuesday, June 2, at 7 1-2 P. M., in the Jefferson Physical Laboratory, room 41. A short account of the character and aims of the Physical Electives will be given by each instructor, and students will be advised in regard to their choice.

JOHN TROWBRIDGE.GROUPS THIS WEEK.- Monday, Phi Beta Kappa, 1.30, back of Library; Glee Club, 2, steps of Matthews. Tuesday, Advocate editors, 1.15 Notman's studio; Lampoon editors, 1.45, Notman's studio. Wednesday, Pierian Sodality, 1.15. back of Sever. Thursday, Cricket Club, 1.45 back of Sever. The committee earnestly request that the remaining clubs and societies will arrange as soon as possible to have their groups taken, as many orders are delayed.

The few men who have not yet taken interest enough to sit for their photographs are reminded that their delay in so doing puts a stop to the printing of all orders which include their pictures.

The class groups will be taken the last of the week.


D. E. WHITE, Chairman Photo. Com.
