Yale plays Brown on Wednesday.
Grant will umpire the HarvardPrinceton game to-day.
Mr. F. C. Hood, '86, has been elected captain of the university lacrosse twelve for next year.
Rev. Bernard Carpenter preached an eloquent sermon last evening, taking for his theme the life of Victor Hugo
The freshman lacrosse team was defeated on Saturday by the Everetts. Score, 2 to 0.
Games on Saturday: Yale 18, Williams 4 ; Dartmouth 7, Concords 5; Beacons 10, Phillips Exeter Academy 2.
On Friday, thieves stole clothes which had been left by washerwomen at the door of students' rooms in Thayer; it is also reported that one room was entered and a gold watch taken. One of the thieves, a Cambridge "mucker," has been captured, and part of the property recovered.
Still another new "Lit." A new literary magazine, the Dartmouth Stylus, will be established next year by the students.
The bicycle tournament at Springfield on Saturday was very interesting. Hendee lowered the record for the halfmile to 34 2 5 seconds; Brown and Miller, that of the mile tandem race, to 3m. 9s.
Senator Edmunds sailed for England Saturday, in order to testify before a committee of the House of Lords in a suit affecting one of the oldest peerages of England.
The college and freshman Glee Clubs, Pierian Sodality, and Brass Band will give a combined concert in the yard this evening, in compliment to our visitors from Princeton. Seats will be provided for ladies.
The following men will make up the nine this afternoon: Allen, c.; Nichols, p.; Willard, 1b.; Smith, 2b.; Beaman, 3b.; Edgerly, s. s.; Tilden, l. f.; Foster, c. f.; Winslow, r. f.
Standing of the class nines up to date is as follows:
Won. Lost.
'85, 3 2
'86, 4 1
'87, 0 5
'88. 3 1
There are but two more games to be played, '88 vs. '86, and '88 vs. '85; '87 being out of the contest.
The base-ball association having made arrangements for a reception and concert complimentary to the Princetion nine, would appeal to the students to prevent and suppress any demonstration contrary to the published regulations of the faculty. It is especially requested that no bombs, rockets or crackers be used, as their use will seriously embarrass the association and interfere with the arrangements.
A. D. CLAFLIN, Manager.The college teams contesting for the base-ball championship, at present stand as follows:
CLUBS. category 1, category 2, category 3, category 4, category 5, category 6, category 7, category 8, category 9.
Harvard - 1 1 1 1 2 6 6 1000
Yale 0 - 1 1 1 1 4 5 .800
Princeton 0 0 - 0 2 1 3 5 .600
Darumouth 0 0 0 - 2 1 3 5 .600
Brown 0 0 0 0 - 1 1 7 .143
Amherst 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 6 .000
Games lost 0 1 2 2 6 6
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