
Special Notices.

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

For sale.- 50-inch Harvard bicycle, full nickeled, balls on both wheels. Inquire at 8 Hollis.

Copying in English, French and Latin done at 17 Mellen street.

Tutoring in Political Economy 1 and History 1. Call at, or address, 24 Grays.

Lost.- Probably on Jarvis Field, a black cuff button, marked with "F" in gold. Finder will please return it to 46 Grays.

Lost.- Kant's Theory of Ethics, Abbot's edition, and note book in Phil. IV. The finder will please send word to T. T. Baldwin, 43 Matthews.


Examine the improved cheap tennis and lacrosse shoe at the office of the gymnasium. They are giving entire satisfaction to several members of the lacrosse team. Manufactured solely for T. E. Moseley and Co., Boston. Co-operative discount to students.

Found.- On Kirkland street, near Memorial Hall, a small pet dog, wearing a collar. Owner may recover the same by applying at 15 Sumner street, and giving full description.

Wanted.- A set of notes for the second half of the lectures in Fine Arts one. Must be full and legible and of reasonable price. Apply at 22 Weld, between 12 and 1 o'clock.

For sale.- Full nickeled, 52 inch, Special Club Bicycle; double ball bearings, ball bearing pedals, patent nonslipping tire, etc. Has been used very little. Apply at 41 Matthews.

Positions secured for thoroughly qualified tutors and teachers. Personal interviews preferred, or send stampfor form. J. Ransom Bridge and Co., Eastern Teacher's Institute, 110 Tremont St., Boston.

J. F. Noera has greatly improved his facilities for fitting tennis flannels. Only the best cutters employed. Holyoke street, opposite Holyoke House.

J. F. Noera has removed to Holyoke Street, opposite Holyoke House, where he will continue his business as usual.

J. Dudley Hall, Organist of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Boston, will receive pupils in pianoforte, organ playing, and harmony. Thorough grounding in harmony and technical principles guaranteed. 125 Tremont St., room 8, Boston.
