Harvard, '88 plays Brown, '88 at Providence to-day.
The Editors of the CRIMSON will enjoy their annual dinner this evening at Youngs.
The prize cups for the class base-ball contest are on exhibition at Leavitt and Peirce's.
Professor Palmer will speak to the members of the Art Club at their meeting to-night.
The second N. H. excursion to Clifton occurs to-day. Train leaves Eastern Depot at 2.15 P.M.
The make up examination in Classical Lectures will be given in U. E. R. on Saturday, May 8, at 9 o'clock.
In a game between the '87 nine and the Argonauts, yesterday, the former team was victorious be a score of 10 to 4.
The game of the CRIMSON series to-day will be between the Comets and the Argonauts. It will be played at 11.
Princeton defeated the University of New York last Saturday in a championship game of lacrosse, by a score of 3 to 1.
The game of lacrosse between the Somervilles and Harvard which was to have been played yesterday, has been given up, as the Somerville grounds are in a very bad condition.
Those who won cups at the winter meeting of the H. A. A. express much dissatisfaction that they have not yet received them.
Storrow, '87 succeeded in getting six excellent negatives of the class crews on Friday. The pictures will be on exhibition Friday.
The third eight of the Pi Eta from '86 is as follows: Blake, Bryant, Dickerman, Jennings, Pratt, J. N. Palmer, Wright. Mr. W. K. Barton, '86, has been elected an honorary member of the society.
The following men will play on the freshman nine this afternoon: Jones, c.; Palmer, p.; Foss, 1 b.; Gallivan, 2 b.; Holden, 3 b.; Choate, s. s.; Hollowell, l. f.; Austin, c. f.; Stetson, r. f.; substitutes, Crocker and Ingersoll.
The game to have been played between the Goats and Amateurs was forfeited by the former club. By this action the games with this club are thrown out, and the Stars and Amateurs are each credited with a "9 to 0" victory.
The Harvard cricket team will play the following teams: Saturday, May 9th, Longwood at Longwood; May 16th, Lawrence at Lawrence; May 23d, So. Boston at Franklin park. May 28th, St. Paul's at Concord; May 30th, International Club at Lowell; June 6th, Albion Club, Highlandville, Mass; June 13th, Longwood at Longwood; June 22nd, Haverford; June 23rd, University Pennsylvania; June 24th, Columbia.
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