'88 vs. '87 this afternoon.
Field day at Brown occurs on the 28th of May.
To-morrow, Brown will play Williams, at Williamstown.
Columbia has entered the Inter-collegiate Cricket Association.
Thursday is the last day for receiving applications for college rooms.
Yale will probably have several freshmen on their Mott Haven team.
To-day Amherst plays a championship game with Brown at Amherst.
The Yale spring athletic meeting takes place on Wednesday of this week.
Mr. Moody preached to Yale students, Saturday and Sunday last.
The postponed matches of the Shooting Club will probably be shot next Wednesday.
The Yale freshmen defeated the Willistons at Easthampton, Saturday, by a score of 14 to 11.
Efforts are being made to have last Saturday's game with Brown postponed to this week Saturday.
Williams' new paper, the Fortnight. has just reached the office of the CRIMSON. It contains fourteen large sized pages of reading matter. It is one of the largest of college bi-weeklies.
The "Goats" play the "Stars" in the CRIMSON cup series at 9.30 this forenoon, on Jarvis Field.
The freshmen had three (3) lines extra in Greek last week. In class caucus they decided not to submit to such gross injustice.- Williams Fortnight.
Oxford University, England, was founded by King Alfred, in 886 A. D. Cambridge was founded by one of the Saxon Kings, nearly three hundred years earlier.
Games this week. Monday, Cochituates; Tuesday, Cambridgeports; Thursday, Amherst, (championship); Friday, Tufts. All these games will be played in Cambridge.
The following men will play in the game with the Cochituates, to-day: Allen, c.; Nichols, p.; Willard, 1 b.; Smith, 2b.; Beaman, 3. b.; Edgerly, s. s.; Tilden, l. f.; Winslow, c. f.; Foster, r. f.
A very successful joint debate was recently held at Columbia by the three liteary societies, the Philolexian, the Peithologian, and the Barnard. The merits of the debate were decided in favor of the Peithologian.
Rev. Brooke Herford preached in the chapel last evening. The subject of his discourse was "The Choice of an Occupation in Life." Mr. Herford sails for Europe on Saturday next, returning early in September.
The Amherst freshmen complain loudly of the treatment they received in New Haven. The Yale boys made an unenviable reputation for roughness last year, but isn't it rather early for a repetition?- Boston Herald.
The following men were chosen at the preliminary trial on Saturday, to compete for the Boylston prizes on Thursday, May 14th: seniors, Messrs. Baily, Baldwin, Bowen, Cole, Foss, Goodale, Hansen, Hurst; juniors Messrs. Fraser, Fullerton, Hutchins, Payne, Roberts, Rogers, Santayana, and Winter.
The second championship game was played Saturday, between Dartmouth and Yale at New Haven. Yale won by a score of 15 to 6, with 9 base hits, 15 total, 10 errors, to her opposents' 7 hits, 10 total, and 24 errors. The base running of both teams was very fine, but Dartmouth's fielding was wretched.
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