The CRIMSON nine has just closed a season of exceptionally brilliant work. In its six games it has scored 98 runs, while in the ninetten games played by the 'varsity nine only 191 runs have been scored for Harvard. Starting with two defeats, the CRIMSON won four successive games and the amateur champinship of the college. The record follows:
*Apr. 24. Argonauts vs. CRIMSON, 7-3
May 7. Muffers vs. CRIMSON, 31-28
*May. 11. Picked Nine vs. CRIMSON, 1-14
May 15. Mt. Auburns vs. CRIMSON, 20-29
May 21. Argonauts vs. CRIMSON, 10-12
May 27. Stars vs. CRIMSON, 8-12
*Exhibition games.
The batting and fielding average will be found, possibly, in the Index of next year.
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