Tutoring in Greek A., B. and C. Mr. Hall, 7 Holyoke.
Tutoring in Philosophy 3, 4, 5, and 6, and in German. Apply to C. A. Strong, '85, No. 2 Stoughton.
To let.- For the college year 1885 86, 3 desirable rooms on one floor, together, or separately, furnished or unfurnished. Bath room on same floor. Apply at 13 Kirkland Place (off Kirkland St.), last house on the left.
Found in the gymnasium, a silver pin which the owner can have by applying to F. Vogel, 22 College House.
FRESHMAN FRENCH. I will translate, with comments, 100 pages or more of Madame Therese, shortly before the examination, at a time and place to be announced later. Those who intend to come will please drop me a card, and they will be informed as to particulars. E. H. Babbitt, 5 Stoughton.
For sale.- A 52-inch Pope Special Bicycle, in good condition. Apply at No. 1 Holyoke street, room 3.
J. F. Noera has greatly improved his facilities for fitting tennis flannels. Only the best cutters employed. Holyoke street, opposite Holyoke House.
J. F. Noera has removed to Holyoke Street, opposite Holyoke House, where be will continue his business as usual.
J. Dudley Hall; Organist of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Boston, will receive pupils in pinoforte, organ playing, and harmony. Thorough grounding in harmony and technical principles guaranteed. 125 Tremont St., room 8, Boston.
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