
Meeting of the Overseers.

An adjourned meeting of the Board of Overseers of Harvard College was held at 70 Water street, yesterday forenoon. The president, Hon. E. R. Hoar, occupied the chair. The board voted to concur with the president and fellows in the following appointment: Francis Greenwood Peabody, A. M., D. B., acting dean of the Divinity School for 1885-86; Harold Broadfield Warren, instructor in drawing for 1885 6; Harold Whiting, Ph. D., instructor in physics; Lewis Edward Gates, A. B., instructor in forensics for 1885-86; Charles Joye White, A. M., professor of mathematics. The special committee on instruction in written English read their report by Mr. Story. It was voted "that this board, with no intention of criticising the gentlemen in charge of the English department, hereby expresses its opinion that more extended instruction should be given in written English; that to this end they recommend that the number of exercises in written English be increased, and that every effort be made to render the course of instruction in written English more systematic and progressive."
