

GLEE CLUB-PIERIAN SODALITY. Important business meeting of the association, Wednesday, 1.15 P. M., 44 Weld Hall.

MARTIN L. BRADFORD, JR., Pres.TO SENIORS. All contributions of words for the Class Song must be handed in by June 5, All those so-inclined who have not tried, are urged to do so at once. Attention is again called to the verse form preferred, namely, that in the eight syllable iambic, commonly called long metre, with four or eight line stanzas. I hold myself ready to state further particulars to all those interested.

C. W. AYER, Chorister for '85.LACROSSE TRIP, Members of the team are requested to meet at Bartlett's, at 5.30 P. M. to-day, ready to take the train from Boston. Each man will carry his playing crosse. Extra crosses can be sent together if left at W. 48 before 4.30.

