

PICKED NINE.- The picked nine that plays at Southboro to-day will leave Boston at 11.05 A. M.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- A meeting will be held this morning at 9 o'clock in Roberts' Hall.


SHAKSPERE CLUB. There will be a Dress Rehearsal this morning at 10 o'clock. The costumes, etc. will be ready, a d all the principal parts will be made up. It is necessary that those who take part in the 1st act should be on hand a little before the appointed hour.

W. N. ROUNDY, Sec'y.


INSTITUTE OF 770. The annual dinner will be held at the Quincy House, Wednesday evening. May 27th, at 7 o'clock. Please sign and pay at Bartlett's immediately.


HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- Members of H. P. C. desiring invitations for the spread on "Class Day" are requested to call at 19 Weld on Saturday, May 23, between 11 and 1 or 2 and 3.

W. W. SMITH, Chairman Spread Com.
