
Fact and Rumor.

Mott Haven sports to-day.

Fifty freshmen accompanied their nine to New Haven.

Nichols and Allen constitute our battery to-day.

The Yale freshamen fight for the fence to-day.

Yale plays Amherst to-day on the grounds of the latter.


Harvard plays her fifth championship game this afternoon at Princeton.

Our cricket team plays to-day with the South Bostons at Franklin Park.

Rev. Sylvester F. Jones of Boston will preach in Appleton Chapel tomorrow evening at 7.30.

A picked nine from Harvard will play the St. Mark's Academy in Southboro to-day.

All who wish to take English 5 next year are requested to leave their names in writing at 18 Grays as soon as possible.

The Amherst college tennis tournament will begin to-day, and the association offer as a prize to the college champion a $15 racquet.

There will be a full rehearsal of "Julius Caesar" this morning at ten o'clock. Everybody who has taken part in the "mob" once is expected to be present.

The Amherst College glee club, assisted by R. T. French, Jr., '84, gave a concert in Chickering Hall, New York, last night, at the special request of numerous alumni in that city.

A prominent junior was heard to ask what was the matter with that psalm that was read in Chapel, yesterday morning. The first chapter of Genesis according to the new revision confused him.

There will be a meeting of the Conference Committee Monday afternoon to discuss the celebration of athletic victories. A large party in the faculty is urging the prohibition of inter-collegiat athletics on account of the recent disturbances.

A scratch eight, composed of old oarsmen, goes out for a row from the boat house every day.

The freshman Glee Club will make its debut in Roberts Hall, next Tuesday evening. The concert will be in aid of the '88 crew.

The Boston Herald will say this morning that the '86 Signet succumbed before the superior skill of the seniors in swinging the sceptre at the seductive sphere yesterday morning. Score 20 to 11; base hits, '85, 15-20; '86, 6-9; errors, '85, 10; '86, 21.

The courtesy and generous treatment which the freshman nine and its supporters received at the hands of Harvard, '88, last Saturday, will long be remembered by them. From beginning to end the Harvard men did everything in their power to make the time as pleasant a one as possible for their Yale visitors.- Yale News.

President Eliot's lecture to the freshmen last evening, on the "Choice of Studies in College" was very instructive, and the advice given must be of the greatest value to everyone who follows it. A very large number of students attended the lecture. At the request of President Eliot, we publish no report.
