

MOTT HAVEN TEAM.- All members of the team must be examined by Dr. Sargent before going to New York.

CHESS CLUB.- There will be a meeting this evening at 1 Littles Block, at 7.30 P. M. The shingles are now ready for distribution.

PIERIAN REHEARSAL.- Wednesday. Second violins, 7 o'clock; first violins, 7.15; full orchestra, 7.30. Every member must be present promptly.

CRICKET.- The cricket team will leave Harvard Square for Longwood to-day at 1.30. taking the same route via Cottage Farm, as before.

PRINCETON TRIP.- The nine will leave for Princeton by the Fall River Line on Thursday; the train leaves the Old Colony Sation at 6 P. M. The fare from Boston to Princeton is $4.51; the hotel at Princeton has reduced its rates to $2.50 per day. It can be safely estimated that the whole expense of the trip will not exceed $20. A book has been placed at Leavitt and Peirce's for those who wish to accompany the nine on this trip.


