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It will, perhaps, interest our freshman nine to know that the game played last Saturday with the Yale freshman nine was not intended by the Yale freshman class to be the game which should decide whether or not they should enjoy the coveted privilege of sitting on the fence. At a meeting of the class last week, it was decided by an overwhelming majority that the game next Saturday should be the fence game. The reasons given for changing the custom of making the first game with the Harvard freshmen settle the question of fence or no fence, were that this was the only time the first freshman game was not played at New Haven, and that, if their nine was victorious, it would be too bad to celebrate Saturday night without their nine, and would be equally bad to wait until Monday night, when the excitement over the victory would have cooled down. For these reasons, the game next Saturday was made the all important one, and now it remains for our freshman nine to show what they can do against a nine desperately eager for victory, and supported by a large class, every member of which has a deep personal interest in the result of the game. It may be cruel to wish to deprive two hundred youths of such an innocent pleasure of perching on a fence, but still we remind the freshman nine of its opportunlty to prevent that pleasure, hoping that the chance will be improved.
