
Harvard Overseers.

The adjourned meeting of the Board of Overseers of Harvard College was held Thursday forenoon at the office of the treasurer. The matter for special consideration was the subject of requirements for admission to the college. The board voted to concur with the president and fellows in the appointment of Harold North Fowler, A. B., as instructor in Greek for the current year. The proposed plan of examinations for admission to the college was taken up, and, after a lengthy discussion, it was voted that a committee of five be appointed by the chair to consider and report on the requisitions for extra examinations and the present elective system and the system of voluntary attendance at recitations, and that the committee have authority to confer with the corporation or with such committee as the corporation may appoint. Messrs. Lodge, Seaver, Storey, Parker and Smith were appointed as the committee, and the board adjourned to May 13.
