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The near approach of the representation of "Julius Caesar" by the members of the Shakespeare Club again brings to the notice of the public the praiseworthy activity of the club. The Shakespeare Club from its organization has shown itself to be one of the most enterprising of all the college societies. But when the club undertook to present to the public a Shakespearean play it undertook a labor of which the difficulty can be imagined but by few. The novelty of the idea at once carried the mind back to the representation of the Oedipus Tyrannus. But in comparing the proposed management of the representation of Julius Caesar with that of the Greek play, much dissatisfaction has been expressed that the students are not to be allowed the same privileges at the coming representation as they were at that of the Oedipus. In the case of the latter, a full dress rehearsal previous to the first public representation of the play was granted to the students gratuitously. It has been objected in the case of the Julius Caesar that this would be impracticable. The plan was found to be highly successful in the Greek play and gave universal satisfaction. It is true that the expenses of the club have been heavy, but a plan which has proved so successful in the past ought not to be dismissed without consideration. Inasmuch as the character of the representation promises to be of such a high order of excellence, there can be no need to fear a loss of patronage through this plan, as none but students need be allowed admission. Thus these students who desired the presence of their friends would, financially, counterbalance the students who, through the dress rehearsal be kept from attending a regular representation. The presence of the students would prepare the actors for the more important representations later. The high price of the tickets calls for the adoption of some plan of this nature, and if such a plan were carried out it would prevent much possible complaint later.
