
Fact and Rumor.

Band rehearsal to-day at 4.30.

A movement is on foot to organize a lacrosse team at Williams.

A band concert will be given on the first fair evening.

The special make-up examination in Phil. I. will be held May 29, in Sever 35.

Dr. Francke entertained his section in German 3 at his room in Stoughton, last evening.


The price of board at Memorial for the month of April has been found to be $4.20 per week.

Mr. Moore of the fine art department will spend the coming year in Europe. Mr. Walker will supply his place.

The Canoe Club regatta has been postponed from the 20th of this month, to the 27th, on account of the tide.

The annual class competitive gymnastic drill at Amherst was held on Saturday. The sophomores received the prize,- $100.

Minister Phelps will occupy the same house in London that has been the residence of James Russell Lowell.- Yale News.

Dr. F. A. Zabriskie in the Christian Intelligence speaks of the Harvard College Chapel as "a spiritual ice house."

College games this week: Harvard vs. Princeton, (exhibition) Friday; Harvard vs. Princeton, Saturday; Yale vs. Amherst, Saturday.

The excursions in N. H. 8 this week will be to Marblehead Neck, May 19 and 20. Trains leave the Eastern Station for Devereux at 2.15.

Professors Summer and Laughlin, and President Walker discuss the question "Ought Silver to be Demonitized," in the current North American Review.

The eighteenth annual speaking of original compositions for the Means prizes at Phillips Academy, Andover, occurs this evening.
