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It is with great regret that we are forced to speak of an incident of the Harvard-Yale freshman game-which, to say the least, was highly unfortunate. We refer to the disgaceful scrimmage which occurred near third base. The facts of the case were that the third baseman of the Harvard, '88, team happened to be in the way of a Yale base runner, who, in retaliation in the most inexcusable way, kicked the Harvard man. We can say with truth that an incident of this sort has never happened before in Cambridge on college grounds between any two opposing nines, whether collegians or not. Under any circumstances, the action of the Yale man was entirely indefensible, and though the trouble seemed to be made up between the chief ones concerned, yet we think something more is due to the college at large. To have such a thing occur on Harvard grounds is not only an insult to our third baseman, but an insult to Harvard; and as such should bring forth an apology from every member of the Yale freshman nine. If such a thing happens on our own grounds, "what are the freshmen to expect at New Haven?"
