
Senior and Sophomore Athletic Meeting.

The '85 and '87 class games occurred yesterday afternoon. Very good records were made in several events, and in the three-mile walk the inter-collegiate record was broken by Bemis, '87.

'85. QUARTER-MILE RUN.Entries. Foster, Haines, Woods. The winner was Foster; time, 57 seconds.

'87. QUARTER-MILE RUN.Entries. Fessenden (scratch), H. L. Clark (25 yards handicap). Fessenden was unable to make up the whole 25 yards, and came in about five yards behind Clark. Fessenden's time was 55 seconds.


THREE MILE WALK.Entries. Bemis, '87, (scratch), E. C. Wright, '86, (1 1-2 minutes handicap). Bemis gave a splendid exhibition, breaking the American college record in the three mile walk by 1m. 11s. The time made by Mr. Bemis was 24m. 14 2 5s. The first mile was completed in 7m. 49 1-2s., the second in 16m. 1s., the third in 24-14 2-5s. Wright came in about 25 yards ahead.

'85. HALF-MILE RUN.Roberts, Brandt, Root and Davidson were the contestants in this event. It was a close race, and good time was made. Roberts was the winner, in 2m. 6 1-2s., with Brandt a good second.

'87. POLE VAULT.J. W. Dudley and Craig each cleared 8 feet 3 inches; then both failed at 8 feet 6 inches, and the bar was put down to 8 feet 3 inches, which height Dudley failed to clear on a second trial. The event consequently went to Craig.
