Tha excellent menu discussed by the Directors of the Dining Association at their dinner of last Tuesday is but a proof of the capabilities of our present steward. The managers of the Hall are to be congratulated on the success of their efforts in behalf of the students, as well as upon the very enjoyable dinner of which they have just partaken. We are sorry, however, that they did not see fit to follow our suggestion, and assess the cost of the banquet upon the entire body of members, instead of defraying the expense from their own pockets.
One fact in connection with the Boylston Prize contest of this evening has occasioned considerable comment amon those intending to compete. This year, in direct opposition to the established precedent, the would-be prizemen have had no regular rehearsal of their parts. In former years, it has been the custom to lay aside, in a degree, the work of the elocution department, for the purpose of giving systematic training to those about to contest for the Boylston prizes. This year, we are told, the rehearsals of the Shakspere Club have taken so much time that this has been impossible. We are sorry to learn than an old, and established institution has been slighted to further the interests of what can not be regarded as other than an innovation.
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