
Tennis Notice.

The turf courts of the Tennis Association on the south end of Holmes Field will be opened, weather permitting, on Monday next, at 2.30 P.M., with the first rounds of the annual spring tournament. As is customary winners of previous tournaments will be barred from competition in the single matches, which, in this instance, bars Messrs. Presbrey, '85, and Taylor, '86. The double tournament is free to all. This is a change from the previous custom made by reason of the fact that the winning pair in the fall tournament is never looked upon as champion in the same sense as the winning single player. Any person connected with the college can enter the tournament, since there is no longer a fee of membership connected with the association. The entrance fees to the tournament, which entitle the players to free use of the turf courts, are 50 cents for single entries, and 15 cents for pairs. The book will immediately be left at Bartlett's, and the entries close on Sunday, May 17th, at 6 P.M.

