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The 'varsity nine, the freshman nine, the lacrosse team and the cricket club all aided themselves, and the college credit in the games which were played on Saturday. The crimson scored three victories and suffered one defeat, a defeat of which the cricket club has no reason to feel ashamed, for it played a strong, steady game in the field and at the bat against one of the strongest teams in this part of the country.

The victory over Brown was not unexpected, but nevertheless was highly gratifying when we think of the defeat of last season. Thanks to Captain Winslow the team-play is much better than last year, every man knows what is expected of him, and the players are not apt to get "rattled" at critical moments. The batting Saturday was not heavy, but when we consider the little practice that the nine has had against effective pitchers it is far from discouraging. The freshmen played a splendid game on Holmes with their Amherst compeers, and have good reason to congratulate themselves, but it speaks poorly for the class that they give such slight encouragement to their nine. At the game Saturday, barely forty freshmen were present, and though the time set for the game was unfortunate, at least half the class should have put in an appearance. The nine has played two remarkably good games, and has shown that it can do itself and the class credit. If it fails to win victories in the future for want of proper support, the blame must be laid entirely on the class. Eighty-eight is a little too indifferent even for Harvard, the reputed home of indifference.

The lacrosse twelve had for their opponent some of the strongest players from the Boston, Somerville and Cambridge clubs, and by steady playing scored a well earned victory. Next Saturday the team will play its first championship game with Princeton here in Cambridge. Princeton secured the lacrosse championship last year, and, as its team is almost the same as then, hopes to retain it. But if our men continue to improve as much as they have the past few weeks, she may have to relinquish the coveted prize.
