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The base-ball interest in the college has, perhaps, never before been so strongly manifested as it is this year. This is shown clearly enough by the fact that eleven nines, comprising over 100 players, entered for the cups offered by the CRIMSON. Add to these the men comprising the 'Varsity and second nines, as well as the players upon the four class teams, and we have a total of over 150 men engaged in regular practice. Yet, this aggregate makes no account of the various "table" and "society" teams-nor of the two nines of Memorial Hall wait ers. This state of affairs must be gratifying enough to the faculty, whose aim it is to get as many students as possible to take regular exercise. Aside from the faculty view of the situation, however, this wide-spread awakening in the base-ball interest, must re-act favorably upon the prospects of the sport next year.
