
University Calendar.

APRIL 8. WEDNESDAY.Board of Overseers. Stated meeting at No. 70 Water St., Boston, 11 A.M.

Bowdoin Prize Dissertation. Political and Economical results of the Seven Year's War. Mr. W. C. Smith of the Senior class. Sever 11, 7.45 P.M.

9. THURSDAY.Electricity and Magnetism. Prof. Lovering. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, eastern wing, 12 M.

Geological Seminar, Zoological Museum, Room 2, 4 P.M.


Mathematical Seminar. University 19, 4 P.M.

Historical Concert. Subject: Early Instrumental Music from the 16th Century to Sebastian Bach. Prof. Paine, assisted by Soloists. Sever 11, 7.45 P.M. Tickets at Sever's.

10. FRIDAY.Harvard Shakspere Club. Selections from "As You Like It." Mr. Henry Dixon Jones, Instructor in Elocution. Sever 11, 7.45 P.M.

ENGLISH 6.The next discussion will take place Thursday, April 16, and will be followed by another discussion in one week thereafter, Thursday, April 23. The subject April 16 will be: "Divorce Legislation." The subject for April 23 will be: "Chinese Immigration: are the efforts to restrict it in this country justifiable and expedient? "

JUNIOR THEMES.Theme V. will be returned on Thursday, April 9th, at 2 o'clock, as follows: the first two thirds of the class in Sever 5, the last third in Sever 1.

PROFESSOR COOKE'S LECTURES.Prof. Cooke has consented to give at his lecture room in Boylston Hall, five illustrated lectures on Egypt and her Monuments, for the benefit of the Cambridge Hospital, on Tuesday evenings, beginning April 7, at 7.45 o'clock. Tickets for the conrse at $2.00 can be obtained of the committee as follows: Mrs. John Bartlett, Brattle St.; Mrs. James C. Fisk, Quincy St.; Mrs. Henry W. Tilton, 33 Prospect St.; Mrs. J. A. Jacobs, 149 Austin St.; and at Sever's University Book-Store.
