

BRASS BAND. Rehearsal at 4.30 this afternoon.

H. P. C. A short and important business meeting will take place this evening at 7.30 P. M. in the new rooms.

A. H. VOGEL, Sec'y.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB. Meeting this (Thursday) evening at 7 1-2 o'clock in Roberts Hall. Bring new edition of college songs.

BENJ. CARPENTER.PI ETA SOCIETY. There will be a full dress rehearsal at the rooms to-day at 3 P. M. as stated in yesterday's CRIMSON. Members are invited to attend with ladies.

CHAS. F. GILMAN, Sec'y.SOPHOMORE CLASS. There will be a TUG.BOAT for members of the Sophomore class to see the class races from. The boat will leave Main St. bridge at 11 A. M. sharp on Friday. The number is limited to sixty, Price $1.50. Book now at Bartlett's.


D. W. BOWLES, Manager '87 Crew.UNIVERSITY NINE. It is hoped that as large a number of men as possible will accompany the nine on the trip to Providence. If a sufficient number sign the book at Leavitt and Peierce's the fare will only be one dollar for the round trip. The train leaves the Boston and Providence Station at 1 P. M. Tickets may be obtained at Leavitt and Pierce's after Thursday noon.

A. D. CLAFLIN, Manager.
