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We think that the Total Abstinence League has shown a good deal of common sense in reserving one of its public meetings for this season of the year, when everybody is thirsty and the college pumps are used to their utmost capacity. Seriously, we congratulate the league on having procured such eminent speakers as will address the college to-night in Sanders. We are sure that Mrs. Livermore and Col. Higginson will not fail to draw out a large audience; and we believe that all who can, should attend, although it be only to see and "hear" these two eminent speakers of the day. Then, too, the cause which they will advocate and the arguments which they are to present will be well worth attention and consideration, although they may not always receive unrestricted approbation. Moreover, it is a novelty to have a woman speaking in Sanders Theatre. Mrs. Livermore, we believe, is to be the first woman who has ever spoken there, nay, even the first who has ever thus publicly addressed a Harvard assembly. The lecture to-night, therefore, will be of twofold interest, and we think and hope that the college will be well represented in the audience.
